“A Heavenly Flea Market!”
February 20, 2022 Pastor: Pastor John King
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:35–38, 1 Corinthians 15:42–52
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Sermon Notes
I. A Heavenly Flea Market I Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-52
A. Context.
1. This is Paul’s final rebuttal to the Corinthians concerning Jesus’ resurrection. He is responding to the rhetorical question, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come” (v. 35)?
2. The word “foolish” (v. 36) is a strong word, a word that implies lack of common sense and perception in both spiritual and natural things.
a. In this context, it indicates that the Corinthians are probably not asking the question in a spirit of seeking the truth, but in a rebellious spirit that seeks to defy the truth.
B. Paul uses two analogies to give them (and us) a feel for the mystery.
1. The sowing of a seed which becomes a full-bodied plant after the seed dies (vv. 36-38, 42-44).
a. The words “glory” and “power” (v. 43) are words often associated with the resurrected Christ and his kingdom throughout the scriptures. To use them to describe the body is a dramatic statement because it is in direct contrast to the prevailing Greek philosophy which was part of Corinthian culture.
b. “… each kind of seed he gives its own body” (v. 38) – We will have new spiritual bodies, but we will still be uniquely recognizable.
2. The first Adam (v. 45), the earthly man (v. 49) and the last Adam (v. 45), the heavenly man, i.e. Jesus (v. 49).
3. Because we are dealing with the transition from the mortal to the immortal, our mortal minds come up short. Ultimately, we are confronted with a mystery (v. 51).
a. What is clear is that we don’t initiate the mystery, but it is initiated by the one who comes in power and glory! “Listen, I will tell you a mystery ….”