Sharing Our Gifts
January 23, 2022 Pastor: Pastor John King
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12–31
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Sermon Notes
I. Sharing Our Gifts I Corinthians 12:12-31a
A. The body of Christ (v. 13).
1. Baptized by one Spirit.
2. One body.
3. One Spirit to drink.
B. Many parts.
1. God’s design (v. 18) – “every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.”
2. Verse 21 – Who do you “have no need of?”
3. Verse 22 – Which “weak” ones are indispensable?
4. Verse 23 – Which “less honorable ones” do we treat with special honor?
5. Verse 23 – Who do we protect and present with “greater respect/special modesty?”
6. Verse 24 – Do we “give greater honor” to those who may not naturally attract it?
C. Life in the body.
1. Suffering and rejoicing together (v. 26).
2. Each one is a part of it (v. 27).
3. Verse 31 – To eagerly desire the greater/higher gifts must include what is best for the entire body.