Precious In God’s Sight
January 9, 2022 Pastor: Pastor John King
Scripture: Isaiah 43:1–7
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Sermon Notes
I. Precious In God’s Sight Isaiah 43:1-7
A. Context
1. As chapter 42 concludes, Isaiah describes the judgment of Israel as a people being plundered and looted, i.e., picked up and taken away with “no one to rescue them”
(42:22); the description includes being “enveloped in flames” with no sense of repentance or acknowledgement of their sin.
2. Chapter 43, in response, portrays a time in the future, i.e., “But now” …. (v. 1).
B. In the gospels, Jesus’ baptism marks the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. In church history and tradition, this is why Epiphany (the revealing of Jesus, the manifestation of God in Christ) has always been recognized and celebrated in close association with the baptism of Jesus.
1. In the life, works, and ministry of Jesus, the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 43 is inaugurated.
2. The rescue operation takes place through the intention, character and initiative of God …. not from Israel, who are described as deaf, blind, refusing to understand or
obey (Isaiah 42:18-25).
C. J. Alec Motyer – The foundation of the Lord’s perseverance with us, despite our sin.
1. Verse 1 – The Lord created and formed us, determining to have a people shaped by himself in the midst of our volition (willful decisions) in the circumstances of life.
“You are mine.”
2. Verse 1 – The Lord redeems us. This is the same root word in Hebrew that describes the Kinsman Redeemer that we study in the book of Ruth. The Lord chooses to make us family and has done everything necessary for us to be free and whole.
3. Verse 1 - The Lord initiates a personal relationship with us. “I have summoned you by name.”
D. Verses 3-4 – The nature of the Lord’s perseverance…. evenwhile we are suffering the consequences of our sin (i.e., pass through the waters, the river, the fire).
1. By the power and substance of his name – “I am the Lord.” One’s name and character are inextricably bound.
2. By the relationship between us and him – “your God.”
3. By his holiness – “the Holy One of Israel.” Because of his redemptive work, his holiness continues to pursue us, despite our sin.
4. By his saving ability – “your Savior.”
5. By the record of his faithfulness in the past (“I gave Egypt as your ransom”) and, now, in the present (“I will give people in exchange for you.”). “You are precious and honored in my sight.”
E. Verses 5-7 – The great gathering of God’s people from all nations as a result of the revealing to the world (epiphany) of the Savior. “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22).